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1 dead, 3 injured after shooting in Arizona college

A shooting at Northern Arizona University killed one person and injured three others, the school said on Friday.

A shooting at a university campus in the US state of Arizona has killed one person and injured three others.

Officials at the Northern Arizona University said on Friday the gunman was in custody and the campus was not on lockdown.

"Situation is stabilized," the university in Flagstaff, Arizona, said in a post on Twitter.

The three injured victims were being treated at Flagstaff Medical Center, university spokeswoman Cindy Brown told US media outlets.

The conditions of the victims were not known, Brown said. She also said she did not know the identities of the victims or the shooter, or if they are students.

The shooting took place at 1:20 am local time in a parking lot adjacent to one of the school’s dormitories.

The shooting comes just eight days after a mass murder at the Umpqua Community College in the state of Oregon, which left 10 people dead.

The rampage brought new urgency to a long debate over rampant gun violence and the need for stricter gun laws.

US President Barack Obama will travel to Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday to meet privately with families of the victims.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), firearms are the cause of death for more than 33,000 people in the United States every year, a number that includes accidental discharge, murder and suicides.

That means firearms kill more people in America every six hours than terrorist attacks did in the entire year of 2014.

Moreover, over 73,000 Americans were treated in hospitals for gun-related injuries in 2010, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

This year is on course to break records. There have been a total of 39,449 gun-related incidents and 9,940 deaths so far in 2015, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Of those, 550 were children under 13.

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