China, Taiwan leaders meet after 66 years

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou smile as they arrive for their meeting at Shangrila hotel in Singapore on November 7, 2015. (AFP)
  1. Leaders of Taiwan and China are to meet in Singapore. This is the first such meeting in six decades.
  2. The leader of the biggest US-based Jewish community slams Tel Aviv’s policies, its settlement activities, and hate-crime attacks against Palestinians.
  3. A video showing police violently arresting two young people for jaywalking in Texas goes viral. Two people who witnessed the incident are also arrested.
  4. A US Democratic Senator has proposed a bill to combat the rising tide of international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or B-D-S movement against Israel.
  5. The family of an elderly Palestinian woman shot dead by Israeli soldiers says she was in the gas station simply to fuel up.
  6. Now to Austin, the capital of the US state of Texas, where jaywalking is apparently seen as a heinous crime. Take a look at this viral video that shows how a bunch of cops charge toward two African-Americans and beat them black and blue for the alleged petty offence.
  7. The UK parliament has to consider a debate on a no-confidence vote in the British Prime Minister, as the online petition calling for the debate exceeds the required minimum signatures.
  8. Portugal's main opposition parties have formed an unprecedented alliance which puts them in a position to bring down the country's new centre-right government.
  9. Pro-Russia fighters in eastern Ukraine have accused the government of shelling residential regions under their control with heavy weapons.
  10. The Russian president has ordered the suspension of all flights to Egypt following the indications that last week’s crash of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt was caused by a bomb.

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