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Donald Trump has lunatic ideas about Muslims: Analyst

US GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump has “lunatic” ideas about Muslims, says Stephen Lendman. (AFP photo)


Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is a “blusterer and loud-mouth” and his ideas about Muslims are “lunatic,” says an American author and radio host.

“Donald Trump is at it again,” Stephen Lendman told Press TV on Thursday. “He has all kinds of ideas that no one should pay any attention to, except that he is a dangerous guy.”

Lendman cited the real estate magnate's radio advertisement where he says the US needs to bomb “the hell” out of Daesh (ISIL) as an example of his lunacy.

“What he doesn’t explain is that ISIS is a US creation, used as proxy foot soldiers to serve American imperial interests,” the analyst noted, using an alternative acronym for ISIL or Daesh.

“Trump has another lunatic idea: closing down mosques in America. Well, I do not know what he would hope to accomplish by doing something like that,” Lendman said.

Trump has said he would "strongly consider" closing mosques in the US as part of a response to Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris that killed at least 132 people and injured over 350.

Daesh terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, have claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks.

“That would be a very serious offense. It would offend America’s Arab allies, America’s rogue allies,” Lendman said. “I think even they would be very, very angry and likely to do heaven knows what, but certainly make their feelings known.”

The author added that for a long time since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the US government has adopted discriminatory policies against Muslims.

Trump, who leads the Republican field in the race for the US presidential race, believes the "great surveillance" that previous New York authorities had conducted on Muslim places of worship, particularly after the 9/11 attacks, must be resumed.

He also says that he will not rule out special IDs and a database for America's Muslim population, should he become president.

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