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Over 300 al-Nusra terrorists killed in clashes with Syrian forces

Syrian Government forces positioned near a tank located some three kilometers from the villages of Nabbul and Zahra in Syria's northern Aleppo province on February 2, 2016. (AFP)

Syrian government troops have killed over 300 members of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front group during clashes in the northwestern Aleppo province.

The Takfiri terrorists were killed near the village of Ratian, during the Syrian forces’ latest offensive in the province, the al-Mayadeen television network reported on Sunday.

Al-Nusra has confirmed the deaths stating that they occurred over the last few days during heavy fighting in the region.

Syrian forces backed by Russian air support are currently engaged in one of their most significant campaigns since Moscow joined the battle against Daesh Takfiri terrorists September 30, 2015.

According to the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Sunday, thousands of terrorists are on the run as Syrian forces head towards the town of Tal Rif’at, close to the Turkish border.

Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman noted that recapturing the area would stem the flow of militants and arms entering Syria via Turkey.

The strategic town is considered the last militant stronghold in the volatile border region. Syria’s Arabic-language newspaper al-Watan has said that the recapture of Tal Rif’at would be a major blow to the militants.

"If it falls, the army will be able to progress and seize control of all of the northern part of Aleppo province," al-Watan reported. 

The foreign-backed conflict in Syria, which began in March 2011, has reportedly claimed the lives of more than 260,000 people and displaced almost half of the country’s population.

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