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Iranian athletes earn 2 bronze medals at World Nomad Games

In this file photo, opponents are endeavoring to clinch victory during a mas-wrestling bout.

Iranian sportsman Hadi Vafaei and Kamran Rostami have managed to collect two bronze medals at the second edition of World Nomad Games, which is currently underway in Kyrgyzstan.

On Sunday, Vafaei participated in the men’s over 90-kilogram Mas-wrestling contests on the shores of Lake Issyk Kul in eastern Kyrgyzstan, and claimed the third spot to receive a bronze medal, Federation of Rural Sports and Nomadic Games of the Islamic Republic of Iran website reported.

Mas-wrestling, also known as stick wrestling, involves pulling different objects such as sticks, whips, leather, planks, spears and lassos.

Two athletes sit facing each other, with the soles of their feet on opposite sides of a board. The two wrestlers grab a stick with their bare hands. In order to win, one wrestler needs to pull the stick from the other, or pull his opponent to his side of the board. Rounds last up to two minutes, and wrestlers gain points based on their performance out of three rounds.

Rostami vied in the men's over 90-kilogram Kazakh kuresh competitions, and picked another bronze medal for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Kazakh kuresh is a traditional type of wrestling. Wrestlers dress in special jackets with fabric belts, and the goal is to throw the opponent on the ground.

Wrestlers stand during the bout, and can grab their rival anywhere above the belt. They are not allowed to grab feet or lie on the ground.

Various techniques like grabbing the clothing or belts, seizing arms or torso, sweeps, hooks, shoves, and throws across the back, hip and chest are allowed.

Competitions are held in men’s 60-kilogram, 70-kilogram, 80-kilogram, 90-kilogram, and over 90-kilogram weight categories.

The second edition of World Nomad Games started in Kyrgyzstan on September 3, and will run until September 8.

Nearly 2,000 athletes from forty countries are participating in the games, which are designed to celebrate the nomadic heritage of the Central Asian nations. 

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