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Israel sends first delegation to Sudan since normalization deal

Sudanese people protest a normalization deal with Israel, in Khartoum, Sudan, 26 October 2020. (Photo by Anadolu news agency)

Israel has sent its first delegation to Sudan after they agreed on a US-brokered deal to normalize ties last month.

Press TV sources said members of the Israeli delegation arrived in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum on Monday and held talks with the chairman of Sudan’s Sovereign Council.

There has been no media report as to who was in the delegation.

For days, there have been rumors of a first Israeli visit to Khartoum on the heels of the agreement that was brokered by US President Donald Trump in October.

Trump announced at the White House last month that Sudan and Israel had agreed to normalize relations. Sudan thus became the third Arab country — after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain — to agree to a normalization deal with Israel since August.

But no signing ceremony has been held between Sudan and Israel so far.

Sudan’s Minister of Information Faisal Mohamed Saleh revealed in an exclusive interview with Press TV last week that Trump placed Khartoum under “heavy pressure” to normalize relations with the occupying regime and sought to use the normalization deal as a card in his favor during the US Presidential Election on November 3.

Palestinians have condemned Sudan’s move.

The resistance movement Hamas said in a statement that the move has shocked Palestinians, Arab and Muslim nations, as well as freedom-loving people of the world.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had earlier protested the normalization deals with Israel, saying they will be fruitless as long as the United States and the Israeli regime do not recognize the rights of the Palestinian nation and refuse to resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees.

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