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Trump foresees ‘shocking’ developments in near future

US President Donald Trump gestures as he participates in a Thanksgiving video teleconference at the White House in Washington, November 26, 2020. (Photo by Reuters)

Outgoing US President Donald Trump finally says he will “certainly” hand over the White House to President-elect Joe Biden, but vaguely promises some “shocking” events would take place in the run-up to his departure.

“Certainly, I will,” Trump said on Thanksgiving evening on Thursday, when asked if he would eventually hand over the presidency, NBC News reported. The president was speaking to reporters for the first time since bitterly losing the presidential elections to Biden.

He, however, added, “You’re going to see things happening over the next week or two that are going to be shocking to people.”

The president’s object of reference was unclear. He only said he planned to visit Georgia, where he could be lobbying in favor of two Republican senators.

Some observers said “shocking” could be only a promise for more “shocking” assertions on the part of the president, whose controversy-riddled presidency suffered no shortage of political dramatics. As the most recent case in point, they cite the case of his claiming a landslide victory amid overwhelming evidence of his defeat to Biden and his filing of more than 30 last-ditch lawsuits against him in swing states, including Pennsylvania.

Others said he could be referring to the increasingly crystallizing signs of Biden’s victory.

Trump even repeated his grievance that the election had been “stolen” from him and said the Electoral College would be making a “mistake” if they went ahead with their due announcement of the former vice president as the country’s new chief executive. “It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede,” Trump said, “because we know there was massive fraud.”

According to the NBC News’ election tracker, Biden has received more than 80 million popular votes and Trump 73.8 million.

A cutthroat competition played out in the week that followed the polls as the race dragged on over the electoral votes that could seal the victory. What was a dead heat between the two, however, gradually turned in favor of Biden.

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