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‘Freedom with dignity’: Iranians reaffirm love, loyalty for Islamic Revolution

Iranians marked the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution with countrywide rallies on February 11. (EPA-EFE)

By Humaira Ahad

Millions of Iranians with tremendous patriotic fervor thronged the streets across the country earlier this month to commemorate the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

It was the demonstration of unwavering faith and the reaffirmation of a pledge to the ideals of the glorious revolution spearheaded by Ayatollah Rohullah Khomeini against the West-backed Pahlavi monarchy.

Although the unpopular regime was toppled 44 years ago by the people of Iran in a popular uprising, neo-imperial powers have continued their nefarious attempts to destabilize the country.

People who took to the streets on Bahman 22 this year fully understand the phenomenon, as was evident. That explains their adherence and commitment to their country’s independence and sovereignty.

On the eve of the revolution anniversary, loud and passionate chants of ‘Allah o Akbar’ reverberated from the mosques of the country followed by fireworks lighting up the night sky.

In the days leading up to the anniversary, the capital Tehran and other cities were draped in the colors of the Iranian flag. Reds, whites and greens made everything look vibrant and enchanting.

Billboards depicting the anniversary of the revolution could be seen in every square, every town, every city, and every province.

Universities gave an aura of celebration with the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran showcased through posters and banners. Seminars and conferences were held throughout the week leading to the 44th anniversary of the revolution.

On Bahman 22, which marks the day the Pahlavi regime was formally overthrown and the Islamic Republic was established, people from all walks of life participated in street rallies throughout the country.

This year, the gatherings were even bigger and louder, in response to the vile propaganda against the Islamic Republic fanned by the Western media, especially the Persian-language ‘fake news’ outlets.

These outlets were for months hell-bent on portraying a different image of Iran where people are against the government and the system.

As a foreigner in Iran, the rally was an eye-opener for me in many ways as I got to talk to people from different sections of society and know their views regarding the revolution and their support for the Islamic system.

Ali, 56, an internal medicine specialist participating in the walk in Tehran, described the revolution as a “savior” for the Iranian people.

“Dignity of life we had after the revolution cannot be compared to the life we had under the Pahlavi regime where we were treated as second-class citizens,” he said.

Ali added that the Iranian nation understands how the Western hegemonic powers have made the availability of even lifesaving drugs difficult for the people, compounding their miseries.

He compared the resistance of the Iranian people against Western hegemonic powers to Imam Hussain’s (as) struggle against injustice and the corrupt system of the Omayyads fourteen centuries ago.

With nationalist and religious songs humming through the crowd, millions of people undertaking the walk throughout the country made it clear that they are aware of the imperialistic designs and would not allow any external power to threaten their country’s unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Making their way to the iconic Azadi Square in downtown Tehran, the masses could be seen holding banners and chanting slogans in support of the revolution and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

In my short little conversation with Nasibeh, a middle-aged woman who is a homemaker, the ideology of an average Iranian woman could be deduced.

“Iran is being attacked by the imperialist powers and we are here to show to the world that we will sacrifice our lives for the sovereignty of our country,” she noted.

“For us, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country hold paramount importance and we won’t give it for anything in the world. We are here to let the world know that we stand united.”

Being aware of the evil designs of the Western imperialistic powers, the Iranian people through the annual revolution rallies sent the message that they will not let their country be destroyed.

Shireen, a 28-year-old interior designer, while noting that Iran deals with issues like other countries of the world said the problems need to be solved internally.

“We don’t need any foreign entity to dictate things to us or meddle in our internal affairs. We are enlightened enough to decide our own future, take decisions for ourselves,” she remarked.

Echoing Shireen, her friend Ilhaam, a fine arts student, who also participated in the rally, said she is proud of being an Iranian and living in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"We are a people who have had a very rich past; we have never supported any foreign intervention and will build a bright future with our own hands,” she said, referring to the country’s rich history and civilization.

“The propaganda of the Western media against our country has proven to be a farce. I, as a woman and as an Iranian, am proud to be living in a country which guarantees my safety, where I don’t fear any crude hand interference, where I am respected and my rights guaranteed.”

The rally cleared many doubts and misconceptions. The love for the Islamic Revolution in the hearts of people, a deep reverence for martyrs, and zero compromise to the sovereignty of their country could be seen all over.

The awareness of Iran’s young generation about the political happenings around the globe and the country’s strategic importance in world politics was commendable.

Humaira Ahad is presently pursuing her Ph.D. from a university in Tehran. She has worked with prominent media organizations in India and has been writing for various publications in Kashmir.

(The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

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