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Hundreds march in Berlin to demand halt of arms supplies to Israel

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday to show solidarity with the people of Gaza, as well as call their government to immediately stop delivering weapons to Israel amid the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza.

The demonstrators gathered at the Oranienplatz before marching across the capital's streets, where they could be seen chanting, waving flags, carrying banners and signs bearing slogans such as 'If You Still Stand With Israel After 75 Years and 216 Days Of Genocide', 'Ceasefire Now, free Palestine'. 

"Please wake up to what Israel is doing there, it's just a catastrophe, we're all here on the streets so that we can tell the government, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German Foreign Minister that please stop supplying weapons to Israel," a protester said.

Others voiced their advocacy for Palestine, stressing that the government had played a role in escalating the conflict by standing on Israel's side and following certain Western countries in providing Tel Aviv with armaments.

"There can only be peace if there's justice, and our government has only, you know, blindly stood with Israel every time in history. And this is not leading to peace, this has always escalated the situation and now we have ended up here and we need peace," said a protester.

(Source: Ruptly) 

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