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‘Liars!’: Israeli official heckled while defending bloodbath in Rafah

Frame grab from a video shows Israeli legal advisor Tamar Kaplan Tourgeman turning back after being heckled by a protestor at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the Netherlands, on May 17, 2024.

An Israeli official has been heckled at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) while defending the occupying regime’s bloodletting in the refugee-packed city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

Israeli legal advisor Tamar Kaplan Tourgeman was asking the court on Friday to throw out a case that has been brought before the tribunal by South Africa.

The country has asked the ICJ to order a halt to the regime’s invasion of the city.

Around 1.5 million Palestinians have fled there from the ravages of a genocidal war that the regime has been waging against Gaza since October 7 last year.

The Israeli aggression on Gaza since October 7 has killed at least 35,303 Palestinians, mostly women and children. The attacks came following a retaliatory operation by Gaza’s resistance movements.

"Israel requests the Court to reject the request for the modification and of provisional measures submitted by the Republic of South Africa," Tourgeman was telling the court.

She was, however, interrupted by a woman shouting, “Liars! Liars!” in a rare protest in the Great Hall of Justice courtroom.

The interjection made the Israeli official turn back to try to locate the source of the voice, who was escorted out of the venue by security guards.

The hearings are part of an ongoing case that South Africa filed at the ICJ last December over the Israeli regime's violation of the Genocide Convention.

In January, the court ordered the regime to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza, but stopped short of ordering a ceasefire.

The regime, however, went on to markedly intensify its brutal military onslaught against the coastal sliver, which it has simultaneously subjected to an all-out siege.

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