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Imam Khomeini's ideas inspired Muslims, bolstered resistance axis: Lebanese minister

By Press TV Website Staff

Imam Khomeini's revolutionary ideas have not only inspired Muslims in Iran, but also in the region and around the world, and strengthened the resistance front against the Israeli regime, says the Lebanese Minister of Culture, Muhammad Wissam Al-Murtada.

In an interview with the Press TV website during his visit to Tehran to take part in commemorative events marking the 35th anniversary of the passing of Imam Khomeini, Al-Murtada emphasized the enduring impact of the late Imam's ideas.

A series of events were held in the Iranian capital this week to pay tribute to the founder-leader of the Islamic Revolution, including a ceremony at his mausoleum in south Tehran on Monday where Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei addressed a massive gathering.

Al-Murtada, who was among the many foreign dignitaries attending the event, highlighted the universal appeal of Imam Khomeini's ideas, particularly regarding the issue of Palestine and Zionist occupation. 

"The impact of Imam Khomeini’s ideas is not limited to Iran. It extends to the region and the world," the Lebanese minister said, noting that the late Imam's ideas encompassed the important issue of Palestine. 

The anniversary of the passing of the founder of the Islamic Revolution this year came amid the Israeli-American genocidal war against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. 

More than 36,550 Palestinians, most of them children and women, have been killed by the apartheid regime, backed by the Western states, in the besieged Palestinian territory in the past eight months. 

The late Imam, the Lebanese minister asserted, gave people the key to the door that leads to freedom and justice, adding that his message was to be vigilant in the face of hegemonic policies pursued by the US and the Israeli regime. 

"The Americans are pursuing their own interests. They want to have their own military base in the region, which is Israel," Murtada said in a conversation with the Press TV website. 

Due to unconditional support provided by the West to the Israeli regime, US foreign policy has backfired, leaving a negative effect on people in the region, he noted. 

“US policy has resulted in war, corruption and disparity among the people in the region," he asserted, slamming the US complicity in the Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians and other destabilizing actions in the region. 

Murtada pointed out that the US government is supporting the Israeli regime in its attempt to force Palestinians out of their land, but the Palestinians have shown determination to stand their ground against the occupation.

"At the end, it is the will of the Palestinian people that will determine their destiny and well-deserved freedom safeguarded with the blood of the martyrs," the minister said. 

During his visit to the Iranian capital, the visiting Lebanese official also took part in a conference on Gaza and visited the family of late Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian, to offer his condolences.

Amir-Abdollahian was accompanying President Ebrahim Raeisi and others when the helicopter they were travelling in crashed in the mountainous area near the northwestern city of Tabriz on May 19.

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