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Iran condemns deadly terror attacks in Russia's Dagestan

At least four civilians and 15 police officers are killed in attacks that targeted churches, synagogues, and police posts in Dagestan's capital of Makhachkala and city of Derbent.

Iran has condemned deadly terrorist attacks that targeted religious sites and police posts in the southern Russian region of Dagestan.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani voiced the condemnation on Monday, saying terrorism, in whatever form that it may take, poses a threat to the global human society and international security.

The official emphasized that confronting the common threat required serious resolve and effective action on the part of the international community.

Kan’ani condoled with the Russian government and nation, especially the families of the victims, over the tragic incident, wishing speedy recovery for the wounded.

Earlier in the day, at least four civilians and 15 police officers were killed in a spate of attacks that targeted churches, synagogues, and police posts in Dagestan's capital of Makhachkala and city of Derbent, Russian investigators reported.

"According to preliminary data, 15 law enforcement officers were killed, as well as four civilians, including an Orthodox priest," the country’s Investigative Committee said of the attacks, adding that five perpetrators had also been "liquidated."

Sergei Melikov, head of the Dagestan Republic, said at least six “militants” had been killed during confrontation with security forces in the cities, which are about 120 kilometers (75 miles) apart.

Melikov announced that three days of mourning would begin on Monday.

The attackers have not yet been identified, but In a video on Telegram, Melikov said their attack had been prepared abroad and that Dagestan was now directly involved in Russia's war in Ukraine.

"We understand who is behind the organisation of the terrorist attacks and what goal they pursued," he said.

Earlier, local authorities had reported that at least nine people had been killed and 25 others injured.

Melikov added that the active phase of the “operational and combat measures in Makhachkala and Derbent” had been completed, but further investigations would continue.

The attacks come three month after several gunmen burst into Moscow’s Crocus City Hall in March and fired automatic weapons at the crowd which left at least 133 people dead. 

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