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Israeli spy still part of Labour as UK heads for elections: Report

The combo shows file photos of former Israeli spy Assaf Kaplan.

An Israeli spy is still working for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, a new report said, as millions of people in Britain are going to cast their votes on Thursday to choose a new House of Commons and a new government.

In an exclusive report on Tuesday, the Electronic Intifada website, an online Chicago-based publication covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, confirmed that Assaf Kaplan a former Israeli spy is currently employed by Labour, which is led by Keir Starmer.

Kaplan, originally exposed by the specialist news portal in 2021, continues to work for Labour despite controversy surrounding his background in Israel’s deadly cyberwarfare division Unit 8200, known for its extensive surveillance operations against Palestinians.

According to the report, Kaplan had been an intelligence analyst in Unit 8200 for more than four and a half years - long past the three-year limit of the regime’s ostensibly compulsory military conscription.

An elite unit of Israel’s military, Unit 8200 is known for its rigorous admission process. According to the Israeli army, the notorious unit acts as its “main information gathering unit.”

Kaplan’s role has sparked concern and backlash, particularly within groups like Get PR Done, an electoral reform organization, where he attempted to gain access, prompting swift expulsion once his affiliations became known.

Furthermore, the ex-officer of the Unit 8200 infiltrated into various political spheres and has ties to the Israeli embassy in London.

When approached by the Electronic Intifada for comment on Kaplan, the Labour Party responded with legal threats against the website, although they did not refute specific allegations regarding his employment.

Despite Labour’s defensive posture, it acknowledged Kaplan’s continued employment, emphasizing his role in the ongoing election campaign to bring the party to power.

Starmer, who has faced criticism for purging left-wing members, including former leader Jeremy Corbyn, under allegations of anti-Semitism, appeared to be shifting ever closer to Israel and pro-Zionist causes, this time by employing a former Israeli intelligence officer.

The purge has coincided with significant financial support from pro-Israel lobbying groups, raising questions about the party's direction and its electoral strategies, the report added.

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