Iraqone year ago
Iraqi politician blasts US control of Arab country's economy
Iraqi politician denounces the United States' control on the Arab country's economic affairs.
Iraqi politician blasts US control of Arab country's economy
Energyone year ago
Iran cuts gas flow to Iraq amid heavy arrears
Iraqi sources say Iran have significantly slashed its gas supply to the Arab country due to unpaid debt.
Iran cuts gas flow to Iraq amid heavy arrears
Economyone year ago
Iraqi source confirms plan to pay $2.76 bn of Iran’s debts
Iraq will pay $2.76 billion worth of debts to Iran for energy imports.
Iraqi source confirms plan to pay $2.76 bn of Iran’s debts
Economyone year ago
South Korea could pay Iran’s debt in won: Businessman
An Iranian businessman says South Korea could pay Iran’s multi-billion dollar debt in its won currency.
South Korea could pay Iran’s debt in won: Businessman
Politicsone year ago
US Republicans hint at ousting McCarthy over deal with Biden
Republican lawmakers suggest ousting the GOP current speaker of the United States House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy for what they see as closing bad deal with the Democratic US President Joe Biden.
US Republicans hint at ousting McCarthy over deal with Biden
Economyone year ago
US economic woes: Credit card debt hits $1 trillion mark
Americans are deep in debt, owing $1 trillion to banks in credit card debts.
US economic woes: Credit card debt hits $1 trillion mark
Politicsone year ago
Biden, McCarthy finalize much-criticized deal on debt ceiling
US President Joe Biden has finalized a much-criticized deal with Republican Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, on debt ceiling.
Biden, McCarthy finalize much-criticized deal on debt ceiling
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