World9 months ago
News Factory
In this age, you can hardly find a person not addicted to news. Most of us simply can’t stop being exposed to news. But the bigger problem is we are exposed to both true and fake news without the ability to telling them apart.
News Factory
Politicsone year ago
Raeisi: US attempts to suppress truth by banning Iranian media outlets
The Iranian president gave an exclusive interview to the CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS.
Raeisi: US attempts to suppress truth by banning Iranian media outlets
Reports2 years ago
16th edition of Cinema Verite wraps up in Tehran
Sixteenth edition of Iran’s International Documentary Film Festival, known as Cinema Verite, wraps up with an awards ceremony in Tehran.
16th edition of Cinema Verite wraps up in Tehran
Politics2 years ago
Trump removed as director of his media company: Report
Former US President Donald Trump was removed as director of his own media company shortly before the firm was subpoenaed, according to a report.
Trump removed as director of his media company: Report
Society3 years ago
Trump launches own social media app to bypass ban
Former US President Donald Trump launches his own social media app after he was banned by major platforms last year.
Trump launches own social media app to bypass ban
Venezuela3 years ago
Venezuela establishes 'truth commission' to uncover colonial-era crimes
Venezuela has established a “commission to clarify the historical truth, justice and reparation regarding colonial rule and its consequences” in the country.
Venezuela establishes 'truth commission' to uncover colonial-era crimes
On The News Line4 years ago
The Syria truth
A reporter from ‘The Grayzone’ has stood before a UN council and testified over the truth about what really happened in Douma, Syria.
The Syria truth
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