Politics4 days ago
Iran rules out talks aimed at dismantling ‘peaceful nuclear program’
Iran's mission to the UN says no talks aimed at dismantling the country’s peaceful nuclear program will take place.
Iran rules out talks aimed at dismantling ‘peaceful nuclear program’
Politics6 days ago
Leader: Iran will definitely reject insistence on talks by bullying powers
Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran will never accept insistence of some bullying states on talks with Iran.
Leader: Iran will definitely reject insistence on talks by bullying powers
Politics14 days ago
Pezeshkian: Iran open to talks but won’t capitulate to bullies
President Masoud Pezeshkian says the Islamic Republic of Iran is open to negotiations, but will not yield to the pressure of bullying powers.
Pezeshkian: Iran open to talks but won’t capitulate to bullies
Politics21 days ago
President Pezeshkian: Iran will negotiate but not at any cost
The Iranian president says Tehran will never succumb to force and pressure and hold negotiations at any price.
President Pezeshkian: Iran will negotiate but not at any cost
Iran Today23 days ago
Iran: No to arrogance
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has delivered a clear message: negotiations with Washington are off the table.
Iran: No to arrogance
Politics29 days ago
Trump talks offer ‘part of maximum pressure’; US commitments ‘unfulfilled’: Leader’s aide
A senior advisor to Ayatollah Khamenei says the US’ contradictory approach toward Iran shows Washington is not ready to hold talks with Tehran.
Trump talks offer ‘part of maximum pressure’; US commitments ‘unfulfilled’: Leader’s aide
Politicsone month ago
Iran government says will continue talks with Europeans
Iran’s government spokeswoman says Tehran will continue its talks with European countries as Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed unwise and dishonorable negotiations with the US.
Iran government says will continue talks with Europeans
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