Palestine7 months ago
Israel strikes Lebanon as Western diplomats warn of escalation
Israel has pounded southern Lebanon after it accused Hezbollah of firing a rocket that killed a dozen people in the town of the Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Israel strikes Lebanon as Western diplomats warn of escalation
Politics8 months ago
Iran to host AALCO conference on countering terrorism
The 63rd Annual Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) on Preventing and Countering Terrorism is held in Tehran on Wednesday and Thursday.
Iran to host AALCO conference on countering terrorism
Politicsone year ago
Iran calls for regional cooperation to help Afghanistan, preventing US return
A senior Iranian official has emphasized on the need to prevent the US from re-entering Afghanistan, urging the neighboring countries to enhance cooperation to help the country resolve its issues without relying on outside powers.
Iran calls for regional cooperation to help Afghanistan, preventing US return
Moreone year ago
Indigenous former players sue Australian Football League over racism
Seven indigenous former football players have launched a class action lawsuit against AFL, accusing senior management of failing to protect them from racist insults during their playing days.
Indigenous former players sue Australian Football League over racism
EUone year ago
Swedish police arrest man trying to prevent another desecration of Qur’an
Swedish police have arrested a man who tried to prevent Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika from setting fire to a copy of Qur’an in yet another act of desecration of the holy Muslim book.
Swedish police arrest man trying to prevent another desecration of Qur’an
Politicsone year ago
Iran embassy ‘shocked’ over Denmark’s inaction on Islamophobic acts
Iran’s embassy in Denmark condemned the recurring desecrations of the Holy Qur’an in the Nordic country, saying it is “shocked” by Copenhagen’s inaction on the sacrilegious acts.
Iran embassy ‘shocked’ over Denmark’s inaction on Islamophobic acts
Persian Gulfone year ago
OIC calls for collective measures to prevent future desecration of Qur'an
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has called for collective measures to prevent future incidents of Qur'an desecration.
OIC calls for collective measures to prevent future desecration of Qur'an
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