Masoud Pezeshkian
Analysis: Presidential hopefuls outline political, cultural plans in 1st runoff debate
In the first presidential runoff debate on Monday, candidates Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili outlined their blueprints and strategies on political and cultural issues.
Analysis: Presidential hopefuls outline political, cultural plans in 1st runoff debate
Highlights: First debate in 2024 Iran presidential runoff election
Highlights of the first televised debate in the 2024 Iranian presidential runoff election featuring candidates Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili.
Highlights: First debate in 2024 Iran presidential runoff election
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Politics3 days ago
Iran protests to UK after hostile elements harass Iranian voters
Iran has protested to Britain over attempts by anti-Islamic Revolution elements outside polling stations in the European country aimed at disrupting the Islamic Republic’s 14th presidential election.
Iran protests to UK after hostile elements harass Iranian voters
Iran Election Analysis3 days ago
As Iran’s presidential election heads to run-off, vibrancy of its democracy is evident
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As Iran’s presidential election heads to run-off, vibrancy of its democracy is evident
Iran Election 20243 days ago
Iran's presidential election and significance of the run-off vote
The two presidential candidates, Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili, have headed to a run-off election on Friday as none of the candidates could garner the majority of votes.
Iran's presidential election and significance of the run-off vote
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