Foreign Policyone year ago
Russia, China clash with US at UN over North Korean missile tests
The United States ambassador to the United Nations has accused China and Russia of blocking a unified UN Security Council response to North Korea's missile tests.
Russia, China clash with US at UN over North Korean missile tests
EUone year ago
Sweden accuses Russia of spreading 'disinformation' over Qur'an desecration
Sweden has accused Russia of using a disinformation campaign to damage the image of the Nordic country over the recent acts of desecration against the Qur’an.
Sweden accuses Russia of spreading 'disinformation' over Qur'an desecration
Turkeyone year ago
Erdogan says opposition 'dividing Turkey' as main rival vows outright victory on May 14
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the alliance of the six opposition parties is seeking to divide Turkey and hand over the country to terrorist groups controlled by imperialists.
Erdogan says opposition 'dividing Turkey' as main rival vows outright victory on May 14
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