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Israelis clash with Palestinians at refugee camp in West Bank

A masked Palestinian hurls rocks at Israeli forces during clashes between Palestinians and Israelis in the city of al-Khali in the occupied West Bank on October 10 2015. (AFP photo)

Clashes have erupted between Palestinians and Israeli forces at a refugee camp in the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank.  

The clashes broke out at the Arroub refugee camp, located north of al-Khalil, on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, clashes also erupted between Palestinians and Israelis in the Awwa region, southwest of al-Khalil, during which a number of Palestinians were injured.

Also on Wednesday, Palestinians shot at an Israeli patrol car in the south of the Gaza Strip, according to reports. There are no reports available yet on the casualties.

Israeli forces also engaged in clashes with Palestinians in the village of Bourin in south of the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank. According to reports, the settlers set fire to farming lands in the village.

Clashes also erupted between Palestinians and Israelis in the region of Surif in north of al-Khalil, during which 12 Palestinians were injured with live bullets.

Israeli settlers, backed by military forces, also stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, preventing Palestinians’ entry into the mosque.   

According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), 48 Palestinians have so far been injured in the Wednesday clashes with Israelis. According to the report, one person was injured with live bullets, while 11 others sustained injuries with rubber bullets.

Thirty-three Palestinians also suffered injuries caused by suffocation as a result of inhaling tear gas. The remaining three Palestinians were injured during clashes with Israeli settlers.

The occupied territories have been the scene of deadly tensions between the Israeli regime and Palestinians. The recent violence was triggered by Israel’s imposition of sweeping restrictions on entries into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) on August 26 and Israeli settlers’ repeated attacks on the sacred site. The mosque is Islam’s third holiest site and is also highly respected by Jews and Christians.

The violence involves Israeli settlers engaging in stabbing attacks against Palestinians, who retaliate with attacks of their own.

According to the PRCS, more than 300 Palestinians sustained injuries on Tuesday during clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in the occupied territories, bringing to 3,730 the number of those injured since October 1.

Among those wounded, 360 have been shot with live fire, 932 with rubber-coated steel bullets, and 2,365 have been injured by tear gas, the humanitarian organization said.

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