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Iran can make huge difference in Syria peace talks: Analyst

In this file photo, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (R) meets with UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura in Tehran, January 10, 2016. (By AFP)

Iran can play a major role in the Syrian peace talks underway in the Swiss city of Lausanne and bring about an end to the conflict in Syria with help from the other participating countries, says a writer and political commentator.

“The Iranians, with their close ties with [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government, can make a huge difference” in peace negotiations, Naseer al-Omari told Press TV’s Top 5 program.

Diplomats from various countries, including Iran, the United States, and the UK, are in Switzerland for a round of multilateral talks aimed at finding a solution to end the Syrian conflict. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif departed Tehran for the Swiss city on Saturday morning to attend the Syria peace talks.

Omari said, “The Iranians can achieve peace in Syria with the help of the goodwill of the world and other allies.”

He described Iran’s participation in the Syria peace negotiations as an “excellent step” and the “right direction” to solve the unrest in the war-stricken country.

Criticizing opposition to Iran’s presence in the previous rounds of peace talks for Syria, he said the exclusion of the Iranians from such negotiations was always a “mistake.”

Omari further expressed hope that all parties involved in the Syrian crisis would reach a conclusion that would restore peace and security to Syria and would be fruitful for the region and the entire world.

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