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Syria says its air defenses intercept several Israeli projectiles

The Syrian army says its air defense units have brought down several projectiles fired from Israeli-occupied territories.

Syria’s official news agency SANA, citing its correspondent, said that the Israeli aerial aggression occurred on Friday night.

Other reports, quoting some residents in the Syrian capital, said several loud explosions were heard near Damascus.

SANA, in a later update, quoted a military official as saying that the projectiles came from “the direction of” Syria’s southwestern province of Quneitra near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, adding that the air defense units had “countered” them.

The Israeli regime launches airstrikes on the Syrian territory from time to time. Such aggressive moves are usually viewed as attempts to prop up terrorist groups suffering defeats at the hands of Syrian government forces.

On April 13, the Syrian army said that its air defenses intercepted some of the Israeli missiles fired at a Syrian military base near the city of Hama, while the remaining missiles hitting the target destroyed a number of buildings and wounded three Syrian troopers.

On March 27, the Israeli regime launched multiple missile attacks on Shaykh Najjar industrial city located 10 km northeast of Syria’s Aleppo.

Syrian TV said the majority of those missiles had been intercepted by the Arab country’s air defense, and those that hit their targets only caused material damage.

Israel used to be very careful with its operations over Syria after Russia equipped Damascus with the advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles in October 2018.

However, US President Donald Trump's recent decision to recognize the “Israeli sovereignty” over the Syrian territories of Golan Heights has seemingly emboldened Tel Aviv to launch new aggression on the Arab country. 

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