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Iran: Instead of using ‘vicious dogs', US should listen to its people

Protesters demonstrate during a night of clashes with Detroit Police Officers, May 30, 2020, Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by AFP)

Iran has criticized Washington’s heavy-handed crackdown on protests against police racism and brutality, saying instead of using ‘vicious dogs and ominous weapons’, the US government should listen to the people and change its bankrupt policies.

In a Tweet on Sunday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry alluded to the fact that the current problems nagging the United States, including the self-created crisis following the COVID-19 outbreak, stem from failure of the administration of President Donald Trump to keep its promise of stopping wasting money on foreign adventurism.

"US regime now employs army, 'vicious dogs & ominous weapons' to intimidate protesters," the ministry added.

US President Donald Trump has said the demonstrators protesting the death of a handcuffed black man in police custody would have been "greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons" had they breached the White House fence.

Trump made the remarks in a series of Twitter posts on Saturday where he also suggested his supporters should demonstrate outside the executive mansion on Saturday evening.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif took to Twitter on Saturday in relation to the killing of an unarmed African American by the US police in Minneapolis, urging the world to “wage war against racism.”

Earlier on Thursday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the recent heart-wrenching killing of the American black man by a white policeman that has gone viral testifies to methodical racism and white supremacy in the United States.

“Brutal killing of #George Floyd by Minneapolis' white man in uniform in cold blood is a harrowing demonstration of systematic racism and white supremacism,” Abbas Mousavi tweeted, referring to the victim.

Mass protests over police killings of African Americans have spread to cities across the US, hours after the white Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck as he begged for air was arrested and charged with murder.

Large demonstrations were held on Friday in cities including New York, Atlanta, Detroit, Denver, Houston and Washington, DC, amid widespread anger over the death of Floyd and other black Americans by the hands of police.

The US Secret Service ordered the lockdown on Friday evening as hundreds of protesters gathered in the afternoon across the street in Lafayette Square, with reports of some burning American flags.

They gathered again later and videos showed pushing-and-shoving matches between Secret Service officers and demonstrators. They later on dispersed.

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