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Despite Trump’s call, another GOP senator backs Cheney, Murkowski

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso (L) and former US President Donald Trump

Despite former US President Donald Trump's rebuke, another Republican lawmaker has thrown his support behind the Wyoming and Alaska senators who had voted in favor of impeachment.

GOP Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso dismissed Trump’s alienate Sens. Liz Cheney and Lisa Murkowski over their votes in favor of convicting the former president in his second impeachment trial.

"I support her,” Barrasso said of his fellow Wyoming lawmaker on Sunday. “I disagree with her completely on the issue of impeachment. She voted one way. I voted the other.”

Republicans currently hold no majority in Congress, necessitating great performance in the next elections.

They also lost the White House in the 2020 presidential race to now-President Joe Biden, whom Barrasso vowed to continue fighting against.

"I want to always make sure we nominate somebody who can win in November. Lisa Murkowski knows Alaska better than anybody, and she's an incredible fighter for American energy. She hasn't made an announcement if she's even going to run again. If she does, I'm going to support her," he told NBC News. "With regard to Liz Cheney in Wyoming, we work closely together fighting the Biden administration," he added of his fellow Wyoming lawmaker.

The former president, who has now split the party in two over his incitement of violence at the Capitol Hill, impart has vowed to travel to Alaska.

"I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator," Trump said.

Since Trump won presidency back in 2016, there has been a surge in hate and divide in the United States.

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