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Commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) General Ismail Qa'ani

Palestinian resistance

The Commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says new Palestinian generations must make a plan on running the whole Palestinian territories based on the pre-1967 border. Brigadier general  Ismail Qa'ani says such a plan is backed by the International resistance front and the Islamic revolution. He said running the whole territories by the Palestinians is a divine promise that will happen in a near future. He also hailed the Palestinian youth for producing resources inside their country that help them in their resistance against Israel. Qa'ani underlined that the Israeli regime will be forced to leave the occupied territories in a humiliating way.

Canada mass grave discovery

In Canada, a mass grave containing remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, has been found, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau describing the discovery as heartbreaking. The remains were unearthed at the site of a former residential school for indigenous children near the town of Kamloops in British Columbia. The bodies belong to the students of the school but authorities say the cause and timing of their deaths are not known yet. The Kamloops Indian residential school was established in 1890 and closed in 1978. A 2015 investigation to Canada's residential school system concluded that the system, typically run by Christian churches, constituted cultural genocide. The report documented physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities against the school children. It also found that more than four thousand children died while attending these schools.

Colombia protest

Colombian President Ivan Duque says he is deploying military troops in the country’s third-largest city, Cali, amid deadly anti-government protests there. Duque took the decision after four people died during protests in Cali on Friday. The deaths came as tens of thousands marched across Colombia to mark a month of anti-government demonstrations. Officials linked the fatalities to civilian shootings. Police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse the protesters and there have been reports of clashes between the two sides. The nationwide protests in Colombia started last month by unions against tax reforms, but have since expanded to wide-ranging demands. The protesters say they will continue their street rallies until their demands are met. The unrest has so far claimed dozens of lives in the Latin American country.

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