house of commons
Politics5 years ago
Cameron warns Johnson on Brexit
In a calculated political move, former PM David Cameron warns Boris Johnson not to ignore the will of parliament on Brexit.
Cameron warns Johnson on Brexit
Politics5 years ago
What will the Queen do next?
With her "non-political" cover blown, will the Queen now be brave enough to step forward and sort out the Brexit mess?
What will the Queen do next?
Politics5 years ago
Can the judges stop Boris?
As the Supreme Court examines the lawfulness of prorogation, questions are being asked as to whether the judges can overrule the Queen.
Can the judges stop Boris?
Politics5 years ago
Will Boris press the nuclear button?
Boris Johnson has set off alarm bells in Whitehall and Buckingham Palace by once again threatening to ignore the will of parliament.
Will Boris press the nuclear button?
Politics5 years ago
Will Boris Johnson break the law?
There is feverish speculation that Boris Jonson is giving serious consideration to defying parliament, and risking jail as a result.
Will Boris Johnson break the law?
Reports5 years ago
UK PM Johnson suffers consecutive defeats in parl.
Boris Johnson suffered four defeats in the House of Commons with parliament blocking his bid to take Britain out of the EU on October 31.
UK PM Johnson suffers consecutive defeats in parl.
Politics5 years ago
Britain flounders in the face of constitutional crisis
As the political establishment has failed to resolve Britain's political crisis, the people may start to demand radical changes to the system.
Britain flounders in the face of constitutional crisis
Politics5 years ago
UK Lords stymie PM’s bastardization of Brexit
PM Boris Johnson’s ploy to bastardize the 2016 Brexit further unravels, as his fallback – the House of Lords – approves to push through a bill preventing a no-deal.
UK Lords stymie PM’s bastardization of Brexit
Politics5 years ago
Queen retreats from public view
The Queen may become a major casualty of Britain's impending political instability.
Queen retreats from public view
Politics5 years ago
Will a snap general election solve anything?
A snap general election will not only fail to resolve the Brexit deadlock but it could also set Britain on a path of serious political instability.
Will a snap general election solve anything?
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