institutional racism
Germany2 years ago
Institutional racism, discrimination seen as serious issue in Germany: Survey
A new survey study conducted in Germany finds that majority of the country’s population believe discrimination by German authorities is a serious problem that remains prevalent in people’s daily lives.
Institutional racism, discrimination seen as serious issue in Germany: Survey
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Death by desperation, suicide USA
Suicide rates in the US are among the highest in the world, having increased by one third since 1999, becoming the 10th leading cause of death in “the land of the brave and the free”.
Death by desperation, suicide USA
IN-DEPTH4 years ago
Hospital refused vital treatment to Dr Moore
Dr Moore, herself a physician, believed that she had not been taken seriously by the doctors and had been refused treatment due to her race. She died of COVID-19 after being discharged from against her will.
Hospital refused vital treatment to Dr Moore
Society4 years ago
Former government adviser: Boris Johnson has ‘zero plans’ to confront racism
A former government adviser on race issues has accused Boris Johnson of lacking conviction and sense of purpose to tackle institutional racism in the UK.
Former government adviser: Boris Johnson has ‘zero plans’ to confront racism
Interviews9 years ago
‘Obama deflects attention from racism’
Obama is raising the issue of gun reform to deflect attention away from institutional racism in the US, an American writer says.
‘Obama deflects attention from racism’
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