Interviews5 years ago
'Washington losing grip over region'
Anti-war activist and political commentator Ken Stone says the US is losing its grip over the West Asia region.
'Washington losing grip over region'
Interviews5 years ago
'Detention shows bankruptcy of US policy on Iran'
A political commentator believes detention of Iranian scientists in the United States is a sign of total bankruptcy of Washington’s policy on Iran.
'Detention shows bankruptcy of US policy on Iran'
Interviews5 years ago
'Labor facing a more united Conservative Party'
A political commentator believes the opposition Labor Party is being held back by a more united Conservative Party in the upcoming vote compared to the 2017 general elections.
'Labor facing a more united Conservative Party'
Interviews5 years ago
'US, Israel plotting to overturn Syria's Assad'
Author and journalist Robert Fantina says Israeli attacks on Syria are part of a plot Tel Aviv and Washington jointly hatched to overturn the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
'US, Israel plotting to overturn Syria's Assad'
Military5 years ago
'US wants Tel Aviv to develop its nukes'
A political commentator believes the US uses its clout to ensure that Israel can develop its nuclear weapons.
'US wants Tel Aviv to develop its nukes'
Interviews5 years ago
'Iran revolution a world model'
Interview with Edward Corrigan, international lawyer
'Iran revolution a world model'
Interviews5 years ago
'US hostile policies not exclusive to Iran'
A political commentator believes United States has proven throughout history that it cannot be a reliable partner in any kind of negotiations.
'US hostile policies not exclusive to Iran'
Interviews5 years ago
'Washington hitting peaceful nuclear energy program'
A political commentator believes such a pressure campaign against Tehran is absurd because it is targeting the country’s peaceful nuclear energy program.
'Washington hitting peaceful nuclear energy program'
Interviews5 years ago
'US could have killed Baghdadi long time ago'
A political commentator believes the US is trying to take the lion's share of the credit for the fight against the Daesh terrorist group.
'US could have killed Baghdadi long time ago'
Interviews5 years ago
'UK public to bear as a result of new deal'
A political commentator believes the new Brexit accord is a billionaire’s deal, and the British opposition needs to stop or at least modify it.
'UK public to bear as a result of new deal'
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