fake news
Politics4 years ago
Fox-Trump row heats up as host responds
A Fox News host has hit back at US President Donald Trump for criticizing the pro-Trump network.
Fox-Trump row heats up as host responds
Politics5 years ago
British media peddles fake news on coronavirus outbreak in Iran
In tandem with their counterparts across the Atlantic, the British media is determined the misrepresent and exaggerate the coronavirus outbreak in Iran with a view to scoring cheap political points.
British media peddles fake news on coronavirus outbreak in Iran
Politics5 years ago
US paper hypes fake news on coronavirus ‘burial pits’ in Iran
The Washington Post has turned to publishing fake news about Iran’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, claiming that Iran has dug mass "burial pits" for victims of the disease.
US paper hypes fake news on coronavirus ‘burial pits’ in Iran
Reports5 years ago
Journalist comments on fake news about Syria in mainstream media
During the war on Syria independent journalists have been reporting from the ground in Syria and have been attempting to push back against some of the media disinformation.
Journalist comments on fake news about Syria in mainstream media
InfoClips5 years ago
Coronavirus or fake news, which one is more dangerous?
There seems to be an effort to spread disinformation and defamation campaign against countries battling the coronavirus.
Coronavirus or fake news, which one is more dangerous?
Politics5 years ago
British press indulges in scaremongering
True to form, the British press is trying hard to escalate tensions in the region with a view to justifying military action against Iran.
British press indulges in scaremongering
Politics5 years ago
Tories ran fake fact-checking service
The Tories have come under fire for deploying a fake fact-checking service to tweet in favour of Boris Johnson in yesterday's televised election debate.
Tories ran fake fact-checking service
Military5 years ago
British army ‘propaganda’ unit penetrates Twitter
In an exclusive report a London-based news outlet has revealed that a senior executive at Twitter is affiliated to the British army's main psychological warfare unit.
British army ‘propaganda’ unit penetrates Twitter
Politics5 years ago
Is NY Times spreading hatred against Trump?
Republican Senator Ted Cruz has thrown his support behind US President Donald Trump in his row with The New York Times, which he has labeled as “partisan propagandists.”
Is NY Times spreading hatred against Trump?
Politics5 years ago
Britain's PM Linked To Saudi's Disinformation Campaign
Australian lobbyist, Lynton Crosby, and South African banker, Ken Costa, are at the heart of Saudi Arabia's influence operations in Britain.
Britain's PM Linked To Saudi's Disinformation Campaign
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