IN-DEPTH2 years ago
Police Brutality Louisiana style
The US Department of Justice has opened a probe into the use of excessive force and racially discriminatory policing by the Louisiana State Police.
Police Brutality Louisiana style
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Women in patriarchal USA
In order to “succeed” US women need to abide by the cultural norms that have been set out for them, by men, objectifying and essentially turning them into commodities.
Women in patriarchal USA
Human Rights3 years ago
US students march in Minnesota to protest Amir Locke police shooting
Students in Saint Paul, Minnesota, walk out of class and march to the Governor's Residence in protest of the fatal shooting of another Black man, Amir Locke, by Minneapolis police.
US students march in Minnesota to protest Amir Locke police shooting
Reports3 years ago
Warning after UK court frees BLM protesters
A group of British lawmakers have warned of a ‘dangerous precedent’ being set after protesters who toppled the statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston walked free from a British court, cleared of criminal charges.
Warning after UK court frees BLM protesters
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
US education hardships
The United States may lead the world in various sectors, such as the military and economic development, however, when it comes to education, Washington lags behind its peers, both in policymaking and the premises of free education.
US education hardships
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Death by desperation, suicide USA
Suicide rates in the US are among the highest in the world, having increased by one third since 1999, becoming the 10th leading cause of death in “the land of the brave and the free”.
Death by desperation, suicide USA
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Divided We Stand, Together We Fall; Dis-United racist States of America
Divisions in the US are now more rampant than ever, the differences, oppositions and views of the two political parties have become more radical with patience and tolerance of the beliefs of the opposing side becoming threadbare and wearing dangerously thin.
Divided We Stand, Together We Fall; Dis-United racist States of America
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