Politics4 years ago
Dominic Raab: taking the knee ‘seems to be taken from Game of Thrones’
The foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, views the symbolic Black Lives Matter action of taking the knee as “a symbol of subjugation and subordination”, which he believes comes from the TV programme Game of Thrones.
Dominic Raab: taking the knee ‘seems to be taken from Game of Thrones’
News Bulletin4 years ago
Thousands gather for Black Lives Matter rally in Brooklyn
A video shows thousands of people gathered at the Brooklyn museum for Black Lives Matter protest in Brooklyn, New York.
Thousands gather for Black Lives Matter rally in Brooklyn
Society4 years ago
'Blacks terrified of US cops who can shoot & walk free under qualified immunity'
The black community in the US lives in perpetual fear of trigger-happy white officers who as a matter of course avoid responsibility for misconduct, activists say.
'Blacks terrified of US cops who can shoot & walk free under qualified immunity'
Human Rights4 years ago
'I saw a human being not his color’: BLM activist who saved far-right protester
A Black Lives Matter supporter who took an alleged far-right demonstrator to safety amid violence in London has said he "didn’t even think twice about doing it".
'I saw a human being not his color’: BLM activist who saved far-right protester
Society4 years ago
Masked hooligans assault Press TV correspondent in London
Masked hooligans have assaulted Press TV’s correspondent in London during a Black Lives Matter protest, snatching his microphone on camera.
Masked hooligans assault Press TV correspondent in London
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