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Yemen releases video of sinking ship during anti-Israeli operation

Frame grab from footage released by Yemen’s Armed Forces on June 19, 2024 depicting their attack on a vessel belonging to a Greek shipping company on June 15, 2024

Yemen’s Armed Forces have released a video depicting a fateful attack by them on a ship that had violated their ban on entering the ports of the occupied Palestinian territories.

The forces released the video on Wednesday, less than a week after conducting the operation against the vessel “Tutor” belonging to Evalend Shipping Co. S.A., a Greek company.

The footage showed the vessel being struck by two drone boats while sailing in the Red Sea, which resulted in its sinking.

The same day saw the forces using a number of missiles to attack and sink another ship, which they identified as “Verbena.”

The Armed Forces began enforcing the ban following the onset of a genocidal war by the Israeli regime against the Gaza Strip on October 7 last year.

Israel has killed more than 37,390 Palestinians, most of them women and children, in Gaza since that October day.

Caption accompanying the footage read, “We have sent emails to the maritime companies informing them and warning that if their ships enter [the ports of the occupied territories], they will be on the banned list.”

“The Yemeni Armed Forces renew their warning to companies to adhere to the ban and not enter their ships into the ports of occupied Palestine or deal with the Israeli enemy, according to what was stated in their previous statements,” the caption added.

The forces have pledged that they would keep up their operations as long as the Israeli regime sustained the war and a crippling siege that the regime has been simultaneously enforcing against Gaza.

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