Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Seyyed Abbas Araqchi

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, April 28, 2019 to 0800 GMT, April 29, 2019.

Iran warns US

Iran's deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi says Tehran will soon reply in kind to the United States illegal measures against the country. Araqchi said Tehran has fully abided by its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement, but the other signatories have not lived up to their share of obligations. Araqchi warned that Iran’s patience is not unlimited, and it will show appropriate reaction to Washington’s unlawful acts soon. He stressed that Iran has given the European Union enough time to make up for the repercussions of the US withdrawal from the deal. He said the EU’s political support is not enough, noting that the time for action has come. Araqchi made the remarks during a meeting with the head of the Austrian Parliamentary Friendship Group in Tehran.

Spain general election

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez claims victory in the general elections as his party secures the most seats in the country’s parliament. Sanchez said he would seek to form a pro-European government that would promote social justice. With almost 95 percent of the ballots counted, Sanchez's Socialist Party has won 123 seats in the country’s 350-seat parliament. The Unidas Podemos also gained 42 seats, leaving the two leftist parties combined 11 seats short of a majority. The right-wing PP party secured 65 seats while the center-right Ciudadanos came in third with 57 seats. The elections also saw the rise of the Vox party, which is Spain’s first far-right party in over four decades. Vox is to enter the parliament for the first time with 24 seats.

Confrontation in Libya

Forces of Libya’s internationally recognized government have reportedly gained ground against troops loyal to renegade General Khalifa Haftar in the southern parts of the capital, Tripoli. Troops allied with the unity government are now engaged in house-to-house battles with Haftar’s forces. Haftar’s Libyan National Army, the LNA, which backs a rival administration in eastern Libya, launched an offensive on Tripoli three weeks ago. The LNA has so far failed to breach the city’s southern defenses. The battle for the capital has hindered UN backed peace efforts and threatens to further disrupt the country’s oil industry. Libya plunged into chaos since the overthrow of long-time dictator Muammar Ghaddafi in a Western intervention 2011.

Rise in US military spending

The United States has increased its military budget for the first time in seven years, retaining the position of the world’s biggest military spender. A report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute shows Washington increased its military spending by five percent in 2018 to a total of 650 billion dollars. The figure is equal to the combined military budgets of the next eight highest-spending countries, including China and Saudi Arabia. The report attributes the rise to President Donald Trump’s new arms policies. Washington has started to implement a new modernization program of the military under the Trump administration.

Afghan Loya jirga

Thousands of political figures and officials have gathered in the Afghan capital, Kabul to discuss peace talks with the Taliban and US troops’ withdrawal from the country. More than 3 thousand tribal dignitaries, religious scholars, teachers, and community activists attended the traditional Grand Assembly known as Loya jirga. The meeting is being held under tight security since the Taliban had targeted such gathering in the past. President Ashraf Ghani addressed the event and asked the attendants for their advice on the peace negotiations with the Taliban. Several high-ranking officials have refused to participate in the meeting, saying they had not been consulted ahead of the decision to hold the assembly. The Taliban also denounced the Loya Jirga, saying whatever it may decide would not be binding upon the group at all.

Tensions in Taiwan Strait

Tensions are on the rise in the South China Sea, as the US sends two warships through the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s officials said the US ships sailed through north and nothing out of the ordinary happened during the transition. Washington says the ships' transit demonstrates the US commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. This is while China has repeatedly warned against any military activity there. China views Taiwan as one of its own provinces and is concerned about the US policy toward the island. China has warned that the US naval passage could endanger peace and stability in the strait.

Zarif's interview with Fox News

The Iranian foreign minister once again says US President Donald Trump is being pushed into an anti-Tehran war that he doesn’t like. Mohammad Javad Zarif was speaking to Fox News which is believed to be Trump’s most favorite news channel. Dubbing them as members of the B-Team, Zarif said the Israeli premier, the Saudi and Emirati Crown Princes, and the US national security advisor are making the anti-Iran push. He added that the figures have admitted to seeking regime change in Iran. The Iranian top diplomat also denounced Washington’s pressure on other countries to abide by its sanctions against Tehran.

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